Are you R: recycling is the solution

S.I.RE. Spa is pleased to be one of the sponsors of Are you R: a project aimed at increasing awareness across Europe of the importance of recycling plastics.

The use of plastic is extremely important. We are surrounded by objects made from plastic and we could not do without them. The aim, therefore, is not to reduce consumption of plastics, but rather to create an efficient system of collecting and recycling them.

A glass bottle takes 4000 years to decompose. A plastic bottle takes 100 years to decompose. Collecting and recycling a plastic  drastically reduces its impact on the environment and contributes to the excellent system of a circular economy.

The video produced by AreYouR tells the story of the realisation of a problem and the preservation of the environment, and allows us to recognise how easy the solution is, and practicable by anyone: recycling.

E se la plastica sparisse?

E se tutta plastica sparisse cosa accadrebbe??️ Noi lo abbiamo raccontato attraverso un video…—What if all plastics would disappear??️ We imagined that with a video…

Pubblicato da Are you R su Giovedì 27 settembre 2018


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